Empty Legs

Экономьте, но летите частным рейсом

An Empty Leg is when a business jet returns to the hub airport from the previous flight without passengers.

Today, the use of private aviation has become a necessity when doing business, rather than a luxury. That is why, in most cases, a private flight is not used for one's public image, but instead for someone's guaranteed arrival to a destination within a strict deadline. This situation shows the full value of private flights, especially if your business requires punctuality.

Learn more about the Empty Leg service

There is a certain percentage of aircraft that must either stand idle for a period of time or return without passengers. In this case, the airline loses not only time, but money. The Empty Leg private flight was introduced to minimise financial losses.

Suppose you're in Madrid at a business meeting, but today you have to be in Istanbul for negotiations. In this case, you look at Empty Leg offers and see that the cost of your private flight is several times lower than it would be if you ordered your own jet. As a result, you save money and still take a private flight, and the airline recoups its expenses for downtime and/or an empty return flight.

If you want to take an Empty Leg flight, you can either view the available offers for specific dates or call our managers. They will be happy to advise you on this and any other issue relating to VIP transportation.

Empty Leg is an excellent solution for people who don't like to overpay, but value comfort and their own time.